A couple of days before Valentine's Day it was Madison's turn to bring snack. I found this super cute idea on the JIF website. (I was there to look up the yummy cookie recipe that Megan's husband got me hooked on, BEST peanut butter cookies!!)
So, I figured with Valentine's Day just a couple days away why not get festive! Besides, what kid doesn't like PB&J?!
And I'm sure most people have seen these pictures already if you are not on FaceBook, or in my address book and didn't get a Valentine's card from us, here is some pictures we had done for Jonathen for Valentine's Day.
She was supposed to be "Baby Madison" forever! (That's what her cousin called her)
When I tell her to stop growing, she says "MOOOOMMMM! Ima big girl now! That's just what I do! -Ugh. Attitude. Already. At 4. Joy. Lately she's been on this kick though, she keeps asking me when her baby brother Tyler is going to be in my tummy.... She must know something I don't!
And this was the one we used for the cards. I know you can't tell from the pics but Livy was the biggest turd-monkey that day! That's why the only pictures she is in, there is candy involved!
I think Valentines Day was when I hit my creativity peak! Here are some pics of some of the crafts I made to decorate for the holiday!