Monday, April 18, 2011

Enjoying being lazy!

So part of the reason that I have not had any recent blogs is because I have been very busy! on February 28th I started a CNA program at Clarkson College. It was only 3 nights a week, but then we had gymnastics on one of the nights that I didnt have class, and then we had to cram as much as possible in on the weekends (plus study time!) Well, I am happy to say that I am finally done! And even though it was a pass/fail class, and I passed, I still did the math and I passed with a 92.6% average. And I got a 90% on my State Written Exam (you needed at least a 70% to pass). I'm really excited, since this is the 1st type of schooling/classes that I have completed in the 10 ears since I graduated from high school.

Now for the second reason that I haven't posted anything, nothing has turned out!!! It is seriously pissing me off! Nothing has come out the way that I wanted, or has just been completely shot to hell altogether! The crafting God is mad at me in a big way! So I'll post what I have done so far, and how it went wrong! Hope someone out there gets a good laugh out it! ;)